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Sustainable Development Goals: #3 Good Health and Well-being

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations aim to ensure that people can live a healthy and quality life and have access to healthcare based on the principle of universal accessibility. The goal of "Good Health and Well-being" aims to enable individuals to lead physically, mentally, and socially healthy lives, and focuses on the following sub-goals:

Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları Sağlıklı ve Kaliteli Yaşam

3.1 Reducing maternal mortality: The aim is to reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 deaths per 100,000 live births. Strengthening healthcare systems and implementing early intervention measures are important in preventing deaths resulting from complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

3.2. Reducing child mortality: The goal is to reduce the neonatal mortality rate to at least 12 deaths per 1,000 live births and the under-five mortality rate to at least 25 deaths per 1,000 live births. Early intervention should be provided for the diagnosis and treatment of preventable diseases, vaccination programs should be expanded, and access to clean water sources should be ensured.

3.3. Controlling communicable diseases: The aim is to end epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical diseases, and combat water-borne diseases. Strategies for early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention should be developed, vaccination should be expanded, and healthcare infrastructure should be strengthened.

3.4. Reducing non-communicable diseases and promoting mental health: The goal is to reduce premature deaths caused by non-communicable diseases by one-third. Measures should be taken to protect and support mental and psychological well-being, raise social awareness, and ensure accessibility to mental healthcare services.

3.5. Combating substance abuse: The aim is to prevent and treat substance abuse, including drug and alcohol addiction, and address the problems associated with substance dependency. Access to treatment should be facilitated, preventive programs and support services should be expanded.

3.6. Reducing road traffic accidents: The goal is to halve the global number of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents. Developing traffic safety policies, increasing driver education and awareness, improving infrastructure, and strengthening emergency response systems are important.

3.7. Ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services: Universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, is targeted. Financing of reproductive health services should be secured, ensuring equality and gender justice within societies.

3.8. Establishing universal health coverage: Creating a system of universal health coverage includes protection from financial risks, access to quality basic healthcare services, and access to essential medicines and vaccines for everyone. Health insurance and financing mechanisms should be strengthened, ensuring the sustainability of healthcare services.

3.9. Reducing the burden of diseases and deaths: The aim is to significantly reduce the number of diseases and deaths caused by hazardous chemicals and pollution. Environmental protection measures should be implemented, promoting the transition to clean energy sources, and monitoring the health effects.

3.10. Tobacco control: The goal is to reduce tobacco use, develop tobacco control policies, and restrict the tobacco industry.

3.11. Development of vaccines and medicines: Support is provided for the development of vaccines and medicines for communicable and non-communicable diseases. Access to essential medicines and vaccines should be ensured, guaranteeing everyone's access to them.

3.12. Increasing financing and employment in the healthcare sector: Significant increases in healthcare financing and healthcare workforce employment are targeted in developing countries. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure and promoting the training and employment of healthcare professionals are necessary.

3.13. Strengthening capacity for health risk management: The aim is to strengthen early warning, risk reduction, and risk management capacities for national and global health risks. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure for epidemic control, developing emergency preparedness plans, and fostering international cooperation are important.

Achieving this goal requires collaboration among all countries. Access to healthcare, strengthening healthcare infrastructure, promoting preventive health measures, and increasing social awareness are crucial steps towards achieving these goals. Efforts to ensure that everyone has equal and equitable access to healthcare contribute to building a sustainable future.

"The Global Goals official website has been used as a source."


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