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Form Promotional Video Directive

  • Introduce yourself and the co-founders in the video. Explain what you did and why you did it. We want to get to know you and your project.

  • The video must be 1 minute long and contain only the founders' speeches.

  • The purpose of the requested video is not to promote your product demo. If you have product demo,

    There is a separate area for this in the application section. In this video, we show you how the founders

    We want to see you communicate.

  • If you have more than one founder, please have all your founders in the video. Same

    If you can't be in the room at the same time, screen record a video call.

  • Do not read a written text. Reading a written text allows you to reflect on your communication skills.

    It may hinder your application and cause your application to be evaluated negatively.

  • The prepared video should be uploaded to YouTube and the video link should be placed in the relevant place in the application form.

    should be added. Whether the video is public or private depends on your decision.

  • Video title “Name of the Initiative | “Startme Accelerator Program Application Video”

    It should be in the form.

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